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Essential WordPress Security Tips for Small Businesses - Keep Your Website Safe

Posted on:June 14, 2024 at 11:11 AM

WordPress Security Tips for Small Businesses As a web engineer, I often find myself exploring various websites, sometimes out of professional curiosity and other times for more mundane reasons like ordering dinner. Recently, I stumbled upon a local restaurant’s website that had garnered excellent reviews. Excited to place an order, I clicked through their website only to be met with an unsettling discovery—malware.

Discovering the Malware

The moment I realized the website was compromised, I closed the browser to prevent any potential damage to my system. However, my curiosity and professional instinct drove me to investigate further. Using free online tools, I quickly diagnosed the presence of malware. Delving deeper, I discovered that the website was built using WordPress.

The Underlying Issues

Upon further inspection with a WordPress online tool, it became clear that the website was running an outdated version of WordPress along with several outdated plugins. This immediately raised red flags. In my experience, WordPress, when not kept up to date, can become a breeding ground for security vulnerabilities and errors.

The Root of the Problem

The website’s creator turned out to be an overseas IT consultancy. This raised an important question: why use WordPress for a fully static website that is rarely updated? The answer seemed to be that the consultancy likely repurposed an existing template without re-evaluating its suitability in terms of security and functionality for the restaurant’s needs.

Lessons for Small Businesses

This experience underscores the importance of maintaining the health and security of your digital products. Here are some practical steps small business owners can take to keep their websites secure and functional:

1. Regular Updates

2. Security Plugins

3. Use Strong Passwords

4. Regular Backups

5. Monitor Website Health

6. Limit Plugin Usage

7. HTTPS Encryption

Practical Health Check Schedule

To maintain the health and security of your website, follow this regular maintenance schedule:

Working with Vendors: Quick Tips for Non-Tech Business Owners

As a non-tech business owner, it can be tricky to ensure your website and IT systems are secure and running smoothly. Here are a few easy tips to help you work effectively with your vendors:

  1. Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular meetings with your vendor to discuss system health, updates, and any concerns. This keeps everyone on the same page.

  2. Set Update Schedules: Agree on a schedule for regular updates and patches. This helps keep your website and systems secure without needing constant oversight.

  3. Periodic Assessments: Arrange for periodic security assessments to catch and fix vulnerabilities before they become problems.

  4. Backup Plans: Make sure your vendor has a clear plan for regular backups and knows what to do if something goes wrong.

  5. Clear Communication: Keep communication open and straightforward. Make sure your vendor understands your needs and expectations.

By keeping these touchpoints and schedules in place, you can ensure your digital systems stay healthy and secure without getting bogged down in technical details.


While WordPress is a powerful and flexible platform, it requires diligent maintenance to ensure security and optimal performance. Small businesses must recognize the importance of regular updates and security checks to protect their digital presence. By following the steps outlined above, you can help safeguard your website against potential threats and keep your digital storefront running smoothly.

By sharing this story and these tips, I hope to raise awareness about the importance of website maintenance and provide actionable advice for small business owners to protect their online assets. Stay vigilant and proactive to ensure your digital products remain healthy and secure.